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The recent wild weather up north has led to an influx of Grey Headed Flying Foxes seeking shelter with our local flying fox colonies, including at Bingara Reserve.
We’re expecting a hot weekend with temperatures potentially reaching 37 degrees Celsius on Sunday according to the Bureau of Meteorology.
Grey Headed Flying Foxes are vulnerable to heat stress, so local wildlife carers are on alert and will be monitoring the local colonies.
If you spot any sick or injured wildlife, do not attempt to handle them. Please contact a wildlife carer as soon as possible.
Contact details are below:
WIRES Volunteers on 13 000 WIRES (1300 094 737).
Sydney Wildlife on 9413 4300 (24hr rescue advice line)
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In mid-2022 Council was successful in a grant application to the LGNSW Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program to fund native vegetation restoration works within Bingara Reserve grey-headed flying fox (GHFF) camps,
This is a 10-year grants program for NSW councils to restore and enhance flying-fox camp and foraging habitat, learn how habitat creation, restoration and enhancement can improve flying-fox conservation, reduce conflict with humans, and contribute to our understanding of flying-fox behaviour.
$348,086.00 (both ex GST) of grant & council funds are committed to the Bingara Reserve flying fox camp restoration plan program, with the engagement of bush regeneration contractors to undertake habitat restoration works a key element of the program
Initial bush regeneration works commenced within 2022-23 and in April 2024 long term contracts were awarded to bush regeneration contractors. Works commenced on-ground in June 2024 with both mechanical and hand weed control activities targeting woody weeds and vines.
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Letters were delivered to those local residents that immediately adjoin the flying-fox camp in October 2023 offering a further round of grant funding, applications were received and paid out in April 2024.
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Major restoration works are now underway at Redfern Creek in Bingara Reserve, Macquarie Fields and Farrow Road, Campbelltown to improve bushland and vegetation in the area as part of Council’s Grey Headed Flying Fox Camp Management Plan.
The works will see bushland restored to improve habitat for critically endangered Grey Headed Flying Foxes living at the Farrow Road site and in Redfern Creek.
The project at Bingara Reserve will include erosion control along the Redfern Creek line, weed removal and tree planting.
You’ll see our contractors working in the creek over the coming weeks.
The works are being assisted by Greening Australia.
This project is part of the Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust in association with Local Government NSW.

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In March 2022 Council rolled out a Grey-headed flying-fox Residential Assistance Program residents living adjacent to the Bingara Reserve Grey-headed flying-fox camp.
Based on similar successful schemes undertaken by other NSW Councils, the trial Residential Assistance Program offers a one off payment of up to $1,000 to eligible residents. The assistance can be used to purchase goods or services that will ensure that can better assist them to live alongside the GHFF camp. Given that everyone’s impacts are different, the resident can choose any goods/services ranging including but not limited to removal of flying fox food trees on a property to the purchase of clothes-line, pool covers, car covers and air conditioners, however the product/service must mitigate the impact of GHFF.
To receive the assistance, residents are been notified by mail about the program with a link to an online form which steps them through the process. Once an application has been received it will be evaluated by Council staff with 50% of funds being released on approval of the proposed purchase (which requires providing a quote for goods/services) and final payment of 50% on receipt of final report including a photo and proof of purchase.
Round three
Letters were delivered to those local residents that immediately adjoin the flying-fox camp in October 2023 offering a further round of grant funding. Applications are now open with funding allocated on a first in first served basis until available funding is exhausted. Please think about what might assist you best and obtain quotes to include in your application.
Round two
Letters were delivered to a further 45 properties in December that lie within 100m of the furthest known extent of the Bingara flying-fox camp with details of the program and a QR code link to a private council webpage and electronic application form. Applications were reviewed in early 2023.
13 applications were reviewed and approved by Council’s Natural Areas Team with final payments completed in June 2023.
Round one
Letters were delivered to the 70 residences immediately adjacent to the Bingara flying fox camp on 11 March 2022 with details of the program and a QR code link to a private council webpage and electronic application form.
13 applications were reviewed and approved by Council’s Natural Areas Team with final payments completed in August 2022
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2023 works
From May 2023 restoration works undertaken by environmental specialist bush regeneration contractors have continued to improve the vegetation condition within the northern end of the reserve. The work is focusing on tackling exotic vine species that threaten the canopy and the planting of a further 1500 native stems is planned for winter 2023.
2022 works
From August 2022 initial restoration works have been undertaken by environmental specialist bush regeneration contractors to improve the vegetation condition within the northern end of the reserve. Continued weed control work is ongoing at the reserve and is currently undertaken in a mosaic approach as is required in accordance with NSW Government Legislation and best practise environmental restoration. The work has focused on:
- Weed control targeted woody weeds in the creek line and vine weeds encroaching on canopy species south of Saywell Road on the western side of the creek line.
- Targeting giant reed infestations on the eastern (Bingara Road) side of Redfern Creek.
- Soil stabilisation works at the northern end of the camp, including planting of native on the creek-bank adjacent to Saywell Road.
- Further works will be undertaken and will include the maintenance of previously worked areas and the continued targeted primary control of woody and vine weeds.
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In August 2021, Council adopted the Campbelltown and Bingara Reserve (Macquarie Fields) Grey-headed flying-fox (GHFF) Camp Management Plans and resolved to manage grey headed flying fox colonies in situ at respective sites.
As a priority action of the Camp Management Plans in 2022 Council was successful in securing $766,575 of funding from the Dept. of Planning & Environment ($516,425) and Council ($250,150) towards the development of restoration plans for both Grey-headed flying-fox camps.
To assist in providing a long term vision that incorporates future development and required drainage works, Council has engaged Ecosure Pty Ltd to develop Site Restoration Plans in consultation with key internal stakeholders. The Site Restoration Plans will provide Council with long term guidance to undertake site restoration activities over 2022-30 including weed removal, erosion control and revegetation whilst ensuring that works are considerate of future considerations.
The project aligns with Outcome 2: A respected and protected natural environment within the Community Strategic Plan 2027 and supports the following strategies
2.1- Implement and advocate for initiatives that conserve the city’s natural environment
2.2- Activate the city’s natural bushland and open spaces, fostering enhanced community stewardship of these areas
2.4- Conserve and care for our city’s biodiversity
At both camps the restoration plans seek to restore the condition of the critically endangered Sydney Eucalypt River-Flat Forest and to reduce the impact of the GHFF colony on both the community and the environment.