Bingara Grey-headed flying-fox camp

2023 works
From May 2023 restoration works undertaken by environmental specialist bush regeneration contractors have continued to improve the vegetation condition within the northern end of the reserve. The work is focusing on tackling exotic vine species that threaten the canopy and the planting of a further 1500 native stems is planned for winter 2023.
2022 works
From August 2022 initial restoration works have been undertaken by environmental specialist bush regeneration contractors to improve the vegetation condition within the northern end of the reserve. Continued weed control work is ongoing at the reserve and is currently undertaken in a mosaic approach as is required in accordance with NSW Government Legislation and best practise environmental restoration. The work has focused on:
- Weed control targeted woody weeds in the creek line and vine weeds encroaching on canopy species south of Saywell Road on the western side of the creek line.
- Targeting giant reed infestations on the eastern (Bingara Road) side of Redfern Creek.
- Soil stabilisation works at the northern end of the camp, including planting of native on the creek-bank adjacent to Saywell Road.
- Further works will be undertaken and will include the maintenance of previously worked areas and the continued targeted primary control of woody and vine weeds.