Restoration Works
In mid-2022 Council was successful in a grant application to the LGNSW Flying-fox Habitat Restoration Program to fund native vegetation restoration works within Bingara Reserve grey-headed flying fox (GHFF) camps,
This is a 10-year grants program for NSW councils to restore and enhance flying-fox camp and foraging habitat, learn how habitat creation, restoration and enhancement can improve flying-fox conservation, reduce conflict with humans, and contribute to our understanding of flying-fox behaviour.
$348,086.00 (both ex GST) of grant & council funds are committed to the Bingara Reserve flying fox camp restoration plan program, with the engagement of bush regeneration contractors to undertake habitat restoration works a key element of the program
Initial bush regeneration works commenced within 2022-23 and in April 2024 long term contracts were awarded to bush regeneration contractors. Works commenced on-ground in June 2024 with both mechanical and hand weed control activities targeting woody weeds and vines.