Restoration of Campbelltown Grey-headed flying-fox camps
In August 2021, Council adopted the Campbelltown and Bingara Reserve (Macquarie Fields) Grey-headed flying-fox (GHFF) Camp Management Plans and resolved to manage grey headed flying fox colonies in situ at respective sites.
As a priority action of the Camp Management Plans in 2022 Council was successful in securing $766,575 of funding from the Dept. of Planning & Environment ($516,425) and Council ($250,150) towards the development of restoration plans for both Grey-headed flying-fox camps.
To assist in providing a long term vision that incorporates future development and required drainage works, Council has engaged Ecosure Pty Ltd to develop Site Restoration Plans in consultation with key internal stakeholders. The Site Restoration Plans will provide Council with long term guidance to undertake site restoration activities over 2022-30 including weed removal, erosion control and revegetation whilst ensuring that works are considerate of future considerations.
The project aligns with Outcome 2: A respected and protected natural environment within the Community Strategic Plan 2027 and supports the following strategies
2.1- Implement and advocate for initiatives that conserve the city’s natural environment
2.2- Activate the city’s natural bushland and open spaces, fostering enhanced community stewardship of these areas
2.4- Conserve and care for our city’s biodiversity
At both camps the restoration plans seek to restore the condition of the critically endangered Sydney Eucalypt River-Flat Forest and to reduce the impact of the GHFF colony on both the community and the environment.