What’s on this site?
The site is a public reserve containing two ovals and Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic Centre as well as the Campbelltown Billabong Parklands which is currently under construction.
Why would we reclassify this land?
Changing the classification from ‘community’ to ‘operational’ land would provide more opportunities to unlock its potential for community benefit.
The Campbelltown Billabong Parklands will be a premier destination alongside our already renowned Campbelltown Arts Centre. Adjusting the classification of the land would provide options that with its community and cultural precinct status, as outlined in the Reimagining Campbelltown City Centre Master Plan.
Is reclassification of land the same as rezoning of land? What is the difference?
No, the reclassification of land is not the same as a rezoning.
Reclassification of land refers to the process of changing the classification of land from operational to community land or community to operational land. The reclassification of land occurs through an amendment to a Local Environmental Plan by a planning proposal process however the process also includes a public hearing held by an Independent Chairperson. The reclassification of land does not alter the types of land uses permissible on the land but does alter the types of land management options available to Council.
In comparison, rezoning refers to the process of changing the land use zone that applies to particular parcel(s) of land. A land use zone determines the allowed uses to be undertaken on the parcel of land. The rezoning of land is also undertaken via a planning proposal that amends the Local Environmental Plan, and this can lead to some confusion.
What would happen to the facilities currently on the site if it’s reclassified as operational land?
Reclassifying the land would not prohibit any of the activities that currently happen on the site. Any proposal to change the use of the site would include community consultation and the formal consideration of the Council.
If it were reclassified, would we still be able to play sport on Bradbury Oval?
Yes. Reclassifying the land would not impact the current use of the site.
Why is there a public hearing about the proposal to reclassify this land?
A public hearing is a standard part of the process for a planning proposal to reclassify land.
Who is holding the public hearing?
The public hearing will be chaired by an independent person from Parkland Planners in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
Who can make a statement to the public hearing?
Anyone is able to make a statement to the public hearing.
How do I register to be part of the public hearing?
To register to either attend or address the public meeting please complete the form on this page.