Our Plan and Budget 2020-2021

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Consultation has concluded

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The Delivery Program 2017-2021 and Operational Plan 2020-2021 including Budget has been adopted and Council is now working towards delivery of the projects and actions contained within the plan.

The Operational Plan 2020-2021 forms the fourth year of Council’s Delivery Program 2017-2021 outlining our plan for the future including an $89.1m capital works program investment. Over the next 12 months just some of Council’s plan includes progress on:

Over To You

This page has been designed to keep our community informed and offer opportunities to be involved in the annual planning process. On this page you can;

  • Read the final plan, budget and fees and charges for 2020-2021 or skip to the 2 page summary
  • Provide feedback through the Council Performance Poll
  • Share ideas for next year's 2021-2022 plan
  • Ask us questions about our annual planning and budgeting process
  • Keep up to date with news and future engagement opportunities for the Operational Plan and Budget
  • Refer to commonly asked FAQ's

Click image to enlarge

The Delivery Program 2017-2021 and Operational Plan 2020-2021 including Budget has been adopted and Council is now working towards delivery of the projects and actions contained within the plan.

The Operational Plan 2020-2021 forms the fourth year of Council’s Delivery Program 2017-2021 outlining our plan for the future including an $89.1m capital works program investment. Over the next 12 months just some of Council’s plan includes progress on:

Over To You

This page has been designed to keep our community informed and offer opportunities to be involved in the annual planning process. On this page you can;

  • Read the final plan, budget and fees and charges for 2020-2021 or skip to the 2 page summary
  • Provide feedback through the Council Performance Poll
  • Share ideas for next year's 2021-2022 plan
  • Ask us questions about our annual planning and budgeting process
  • Keep up to date with news and future engagement opportunities for the Operational Plan and Budget
  • Refer to commonly asked FAQ's
Consultation has concluded
Share Have you noticed or heard about Council's efforts so far to deliver the actions from the 2020-2021 Operational Plan across our city? on Facebook Share Have you noticed or heard about Council's efforts so far to deliver the actions from the 2020-2021 Operational Plan across our city? on Twitter Share Have you noticed or heard about Council's efforts so far to deliver the actions from the 2020-2021 Operational Plan across our city? on Linkedin Email Have you noticed or heard about Council's efforts so far to deliver the actions from the 2020-2021 Operational Plan across our city? link

Have you noticed or heard about Council's efforts so far to deliver the actions from the 2020-2021 Operational Plan across our city?

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