Our Plan and Budget 2021-2022

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Consultation has concluded

Our Operational Plan 2021-22 including Budget and Fees & Charges has been adopted by Council

The Operational Plan 2021-2022 forms the fifth year of Council’s Delivery Program 2017-2022 outlining our plan for the future including an $128m capital works program investment. Over the next 12 months just some of Council’s plan includes progress on:

Our plan on a page

Click image to enlarge

Our Operational Plan 2021-22 including Budget and Fees & Charges has been adopted by Council

The Operational Plan 2021-2022 forms the fifth year of Council’s Delivery Program 2017-2022 outlining our plan for the future including an $128m capital works program investment. Over the next 12 months just some of Council’s plan includes progress on:

Our plan on a page

Click image to enlarge