- Registering to receive notifications when new plans are being developed and are also ready for community consultation.
- Connecting with us on Social Media
- Exploring our website where we share news, plans and key documents
- Registering for our eNewsletters
- Reading Compass, your resident newsletter as well as your local newspapers
- Attending to watching Council Meetings where futures plans are discussed and key decisions made
- Speaking to Council staff who are available to answer any questions you may have
What is the Operational Plan including Budget?
The Operational Plan including Budget is Council’s annual plan that contains information about the key projects and actions Council will be working on over the year. It also contains financial information including Council’s planned spending for the year.
Why do you also talk about the Delivery Program?
The Delivery Program is a four-year plan containing information on Council’s major projects, ongoing activities from each of our services and our performance measures. The four year period aligns with the same four years that the Councillors have been elected as representatives of the community. At Campbelltown, we like to publish the Delivery Program and the Operational Plan within the same document as we think it makes it easier for everyone to find this information in the one place. So, the full name of our annual plan is actually the Delivery Program and Operational Plan including Budget but sometimes we shorten this to the Operational Plan just to make it easier!
How is community feedback taken into account when developing the plan and budget?
The Delivery Program and Operational Plan including Budget is prepared with the overall community vision and goals in mind, which have been outlined in the overarching Community Strategic Plan. Once the draft plan has been developed internally it is presented to the community representatives, our Councillors, for feedback and then placed on public exhibition for all of the community to provide their input. Our wider community has a minimum of 28 days to provide Council with feedback which is then reviewed and considered before the final plan is put forward to Council for adoption. We continue to explore new ways of gathering community input into the planning process and we encourage you to register to receive regular updates from Council on opportunities to contribute to this process.
How do we know if Council is delivering the projects and actions outlined in the plan?
We want our community to feel confident that Council is delivering on the actions outlined in our plans. The Six Monthly Progress Report details Council’s progress and achievements made against our plans and it can be accessed through our website. We also publish the Annual Report and End-of-Term Report which have more information to help monitor and measure Council’s performance. In addition to these reports, Council has a robust set of internal mechanisms to ensure we are on the right track and being held accountable for the delivery of the projects and actions outlined in our plans. Our Corporate Planning and Strategy Team is always looking for new ways to report to our community so we encourage you to let us know if you have any ideas for how we can improve in this area.
Where can I learn more about Council’s plans for the future?
Campbelltown is embarking on an exciting period of transformation. There are some really easy ways for you to stay up-to-date and have your say by: