- All nominations must be submitted via the online form. No entries will be accepted through other methods including but not limited to social media channels or emails.
- Nominations will only be accepted from 12.00am, Sunday 3 October until 11.59pm, Wednesday 13 October. No nominations will be considered after the closing date.
- All nominated carers must live or work in a suburb within the Campbelltown Local Government Area.
- All nominated carers must fit the definition of a carer by Caring Australia “Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged.”
- Persons submitting the form may only nominate a specific carer once. Multiple nominations from and for the same person will only be counted once.
- Gifts will only be delivered to nominations that include full delivery address for the nominated carer and contact details for the person completing the form.
- Delivery times will vary and Council cannot provide timeframes. Gifts will be left at door if the nominated carer is not home.
- Nominations must not include material or content that could be deemed as inappropriate, offensive or considered not relevant to the program. This includes but is not limited to language or imagery that is offensive, political in nature, discriminatory or otherwise considered inappropriate. Council reserves the right to use their discretion when determining any material ineligible under these terms.
- Council is not responsible for any incidents, injury or otherwise that may take place as a result of or in conjunction with this program. All contents of gifts/Hampers distributed will not be customised and it is the sole responsibility of the recipient to review ingredients/materials in relation to their health and safety (for e.g. possible allergies or intolerance to ingredients)
- Recipients for hampers will be randomly drawn and allocated. These allocations will be final.
- By completing the nomination form you consent to Council sharing non-identifiable details of your nomination on Council’s social media, website and other promotional materials. For e.g. Council may share some of the reasons why you have nominated your chosen carer without providing identifying details.
Terms & Conditions