Public Exhibition Macarthur Grange Golf Club Site - Planning Proposal and Supporting Documents
Consultation has concluded
Public Exhibition Macarthur Grange Golf Club Site - Planning Proposal and Supporting Documents – Raby Road, Varroville (Lot. 3900 DP. 1170905) (PP-2023-2012)
Council is seeking public comments on a Planning Proposal, draft Site-Specific Development Control Plan, draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and associated documents (the Planning Package) for the Macarthur Grange development proposal located at Raby Road, Varroville, (Lot 3900 DP 1170905), (Macarthur Grange Golf Course).
The Planning Proposal seeks to amend the planning provisions under Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan (2015) to:
- Amend the Land Zoning Map to rezone the site from C3 Environmental Management to a mix of the following zones C2 Environmental Conservation, C3 Environmental Management, C4 Environmental Living and RE1 Public Recreation.
- Introduce a new site-specific clause to only enable a Community Title Subdivision on part Lot 3900 DP 1170905 for a neighbourhood scheme. Subdivision under this clause should not result in lots which provide an area less than 5,000 m2 or exceed a density of 2.5 dwellings per hectare.
- Amend Schedule 1, Additional Permitted Uses for the land fronting Raby Road (existing clubhouse precinct) to permit a future function centre, restaurant, and café use.
- Amend the Land Reservation Acquisition Map to identify the land reserved for a public purpose being open space.
The draft Planning Proposal, together with background investigations/reports/studies are all available for viewing.
Council has been assigned the role of Local Plan – making authority in finalising the relevant amendment to Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan, 2015.
We want to hear from you.
The Planning Proposal, draft DCP, draft Voluntary Planning Agreement, and other supporting documents can be found on this webpage. Additionally, these documents are available for inspection at the Campbelltown City Council Civic Centre. We welcome your feedback on any or all of the documents.
There are a few ways to make a submission;
- Complete the submission form below.
- Email your submission to link)
- Forward your submission in writing addressed to the CEO, Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 57, Campbelltown NSW 2560, quoting reference to the Public Exhibition of Planning Proposal for Macarthur Grange.
Public exhibition commences on Wednesday 9th October and submissions will be accepted until Friday 8th November 2024.
*Please note an extension has been given until Friday 15 November 2024.*