Notice of approval of “Part 15 - Glenfield East” - Amendment to Volume 2 of the Campbelltown (Sustainable City) Development Control Plan 2015 (CSCDCP 2015)
“Part 15 - Glenfield East” - Amendment to Volume 2 of the Campbelltown (Sustainable City) Development Control Plan 2015 (CSCDCP 2015)
At its meeting on 14 February 2023, Council resolved to publicly exhibit this amendment to Volume 2 of the CSCDCP 2015 by adding Part 15 entitled “Glenfield East” which was required in accordance with Clause 6.3 (Development control plans) of the Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2025 so further development consent could be granted in this precinct.
The draft amendment was placed on public exhibition from Wednesday, 1st March 2023 through until Friday, 31st March 2023, on Council’s website and the Civic Centre, before being formally adopted by the elected Council on 6 June 2023.
Part 15 (Glenfield East) of the CSCDCP 2015 will commence on Thursday, 22 June 2023 and can now be viewed on Council’s website.
Consultation has concluded