21 May 2020 - Have your Say during the public exhibition of Council's 2020-2021 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees

Residents are being encouraged to have their say on the projects, activities and budget in Council’s Draft Operational Plan including the Fees and Charges for next financial year.

The plan, which is on public exhibition until Wednesday May 27, sets out many of Council’s priorities over the next 12 months including an $89 million capital works program to build, maintain and enhance infrastructure across the city.

The total budget for the 2020-2021 financial year is $272 million.

Council will continue to assess the effects of the COVID-19 health situation and future financial changes will be reported each quarter.

“There is a lot to look forward to over the next 12 months as exciting projects such as the Billabong Parklands get underway,” Mayor George Brticevic said.

“Our $89 million investment in capital works will see progress made on large scale projects such as the Campbelltown Sport and Health Centre of Excellence as well as enhancements to everyday infrastructure such as roads and footpaths,” Cr Brticevic said.

“We will continue to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 health situation on our business but the community can be rest assured that we will deliver the essential services that our community expect from us as well as planning for our city’s future to ensure our local economy remains strong.”

Key projects in the operational plan include:

· Developing and master planning of key Reimagining Campbelltown City Centre projects.

· Finalising an update to the Campbelltown LEP.

· Developing the Cultural Interpretation Strategy.

· Planning for a new Civic Library.

· Continuing work to create the South West Sydney Community and Justice Precinct.

· Advocating for more education offerings in the Campbelltown CBD.

· Develop a Place Based Integrated Transport Strategy.

· Implement the Economic Development Strategy.

· Developing and implementing a Resilience Strategy.

· The Campbelltown 2020 program.

· Working with the NSW Government’s 5 Million Trees Project.

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