A City of Opportunity - Our Community Strategic Plan Review

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Consultation has concluded

We are currently reviewing our 10 year Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and want to know what a City of Opportunity for All means to you.

Our CSP sets out the community's vision, aspirations and goals for the future of Campbelltown. Along with electing a new Council in the coming months, it’s time to reflect on what we have achieved, refine our plans for the future and set a clear path to achieve it, that all starts with the CSP.

We have already been having a great conversation with our stakeholder's, including the recent check-in survey. You’ve consistently told us what is important to you, and what you’d like Campbelltown to be like in the future. We are hearing that a City of Opportunity lays at the heart of everything Campbelltown wants to be.

This round of engagement is about confirming what we have heard, building a strong vision and making sure your ideas on how to achieve it are considered. We will be engaging specifically with key groups, through our services and at local events.

How to get involved:

  1. Quickly tell us the opportunities Campbelltown has given you (tab below)
  2. Complete the CSP Review Survey (tab below)
  3. Register to be notified of updates (Click the Stay Informed button)

We are currently reviewing our 10 year Community Strategic Plan (CSP) and want to know what a City of Opportunity for All means to you.

Our CSP sets out the community's vision, aspirations and goals for the future of Campbelltown. Along with electing a new Council in the coming months, it’s time to reflect on what we have achieved, refine our plans for the future and set a clear path to achieve it, that all starts with the CSP.

We have already been having a great conversation with our stakeholder's, including the recent check-in survey. You’ve consistently told us what is important to you, and what you’d like Campbelltown to be like in the future. We are hearing that a City of Opportunity lays at the heart of everything Campbelltown wants to be.

This round of engagement is about confirming what we have heard, building a strong vision and making sure your ideas on how to achieve it are considered. We will be engaging specifically with key groups, through our services and at local events.

How to get involved:

  1. Quickly tell us the opportunities Campbelltown has given you (tab below)
  2. Complete the CSP Review Survey (tab below)
  3. Register to be notified of updates (Click the Stay Informed button)
Consultation has concluded
  • Community Check-In Results

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    We’d like to thank 500+ people who completed our recent community survey, aimed at further understanding issues that are important to you.

    We’ve drawn the winners of the $50 gift cards for completing the survey (congratulations to Sue, Sylvia, Arjun, Diane, and Susanne who will hear from us shortly).

    The results of the survey are really important in understanding the issues you want Campbelltown to focus on in the future.

    We'll be using the results (alongside other community engagement activities) to refine our Community Strategic Plan. This work will happen around the local government elections which have now been postponded

    Keep a look out on this page and sign up for updates – we’ll be providing regular updates on our Community Strategic Plan, and opportunities to be involved, and can't wait to connect with you further.

    Survey Results

    The initial survey has indicated a range of issues that are of high importance to the community.

    The top 5 reported areas of importance are:

    • Feeling safe in your local area
    • Access to essential services
    • Health and well-being
    • Safe road and footpath network
    • Protecting our natural environment

    We’re currently analysing the data to further understand how specific sub-groups (e.g., age groups) rate the importance of these issues and our first engagement priority will be learning more about what these key issues mean to you.

    Sign up now to stay informed about this important project.