What is the Community Strategic Plan?
The Community Strategic Plan is a strategic document that outlines the 10 year vision for the future of Campbelltown, as desired by our community. It outlines the outcomes and strategies our community wants in order to achieve the vision. The Community Strategic Plan is reviewed every 4 years in line with the election of a new Council.
Who owns the Community Strategic Plan?
The Community Strategic Plan is owned by the entire Campbelltown community, including our residents and business owners. An extensive community engagement and insights process is conducted to understand our community’s needs and wants before Council drafts the plan, on behalf of the community. The draft plan is then presented back to the community for feedback prior to our community representatives, our Councillors, adopting the final Community Strategic Plan.
Who delivers the Community Strategic Plan?
The Community Strategic Plan is not delivered by just one organisation. It is a joint effort shared by multiple stakeholders including Council, government agencies, businesses, community groups and no-for-profit organisations. The level of involvement will be depend on whether an organisation can directly deliver on, support or advocate for, an outcome.
Campbelltown City Council is the key government organisation delivering on the outcomes of the Campbelltown Community Strategic Plan. Council develops its own Delivery Program that directly responds to the individual outcomes and strategies of the Community Strategic Plan that it can deliver or support or advocate. Council also develops a Resourcing Strategy to ensure it has the resources to deliver the commitments outlined in the Delivery Program. The Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategy cover the full 4 year term of the elected Council.
What is involved in the Community Strategic Plan Review?
The Community Strategic Plan is reviewed every 4 years following the election of a new Council. The review involves researching the current and future issues facing Campbelltown, as well as any previous engagement activity outcomes and insights gathered over the past 4 years such as feedback received during public exhibitions and community consultations.
This research is then followed by an extensive engagement process with the community. The draft plan is presented to the community for feedback prior to our community representatives, our Councillors, adopting the final Community Strategic Plan.
How can I be involved in the Community Strategic Plan review?
The Community Strategic Plan is reviewed every 4 years following the election of a new Council. The review involves researching the current and future issues facing Campbelltown, as well as any previous engagement activity outcomes and insights gathered over the past 4 years such as feedback received during public exhibitions and community consultations.
This research is then followed by an extensive engagement process with the community. The draft plan is presented to the community for feedback prior to our community representatives, our Councillors, adopting the final Community Strategic Plan.
Has COVID and restrictions affected the Community Strategic Plan review?
Yes, the local election was originally scheduled for September 2020 however due to uncertainty of restrictions the Office of Local Government made a decision to postpone the elections until December 2021. This meant that our CSP Review was also postponed by one year.
However, our Community Engagement Strategy has been developed with COIVD restrictions top of mind. Where we would normally conduct face-to-face engagement activities we will turn to more online and social media channels eliminating the risk of virus exposure to our community. We will continue to keep you updated through our newsletters and will utilise our support networks to ensure we don’t miss out on hard to reach groups.