What is the Delivery Program?

    The Delivery Program is a 4 year plan that outlines the activities that Council will take to meet the aspirations set out in the Community Strategic Plan (Campbelltown 2032).

    What is the Operational Plan?

    The Operational Plan is our annual plan which outlines the specific projects and actions we will deliver during the financial year. This plan also includes performance indicators, which will allow us to measure our progress.

    Why do we create a Delivery Program and Operational Plan?

    NSW Councils are required to prepare Delivery Program and Operational Plan under the Local Government Act. These plans guide decision-making and resource allocation to ensure Council is delivering the best programs and services to meet the needs and priorities of our community.

    What happens once the Public Exhibition period is over?

    Once the public exhibition period closes on 17 May 2023, we will review all feedback received and finalise the documents to be presented to Council for formal adoption.

    How will I know whether my feedback was considered?

    Once we have reviewed all of the submissions received, we will provide you with an acknowledgement that your submission has been considered, in addition to our response to your submission. If you have requested amendments to be made to the documents, we will provide you with a response outlining whether the changes were applied.

    How can I be involved when formulating future Council plans?

    We encourage you to stay up-to-date and have your say by: