Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I register and get involved?
By registering on Over to You, you will be connected to community issues and projects open for consultation, as they arise. Over to You gives you quick, safe and convenient access to information on a range of issues and topics. You will be kept up to date about projects affecting your community and be able to contribute your views at a time and place that suits you.
You can also see what other community members think about an issue or topic and engage in discussions to understand a range of viewpoints.
How will my privacy be protected?
The platform and registration is secure and protects your privacy. We will protect your details and only use your information for data validation purposes and to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy.
For any online comments, forums, ideas and stories you choose to contribute to, your screen Username will be publicly visible, but all other information will remain private. Please make sure to choose a Username that you are comfortable being publicly visible.
How is the site moderated?
Moderation is carried out in collaboration with Bang the Table Pty Ltd. Bang the Table is a professional service provider that hosts and moderates online discussions. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious. Read our Moderation Policy for more information.
What happens to my feedback?
All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated and used by the relevant team to inform the development of strategies, projects, programs and activities, or to gain an insight into community views and opinions.
The feedback we receive online is used in conjunction with feedback we receive from other consultation events and face-to-face engagement activities such as workshops, meetings, onsite sessions or surveys.
While all feedback provided as part of an engagement is considered in the decision-making process, this does not mean that every suggestion can be taken on board and adopted as proposed.
Are there any other ways I can give my feedback on consultations?
‘Over to you’ is just one of the ways Council gathers feedback on projects open for consultation. We may also host workshops, information sessions, or on-site meetings to engage with the community. Simply check the individual project pages online to see all the ways you can be involved in a specific project. Council also accepts submissions to public exhibitions in writing either hard copy by mail or via email. You can also give us feedback at any time through our website or in hard copy.
I've forgotten my password and/or my username. What should I do?
Step 1: Click the ‘Sign In’ link at the top right of the ‘Over to You’ homepage.
Step 2: Click the ‘Forgotten Password’ link under the ‘Sign In’ button.
Step 3: Type in your email address and click enter. You will then receive an email from us with your username and a link back to the site. Click on that link to reset your password.
Step 4: Sign in with your old username and new password.
How can I edit my profile?
Sign in to your account on Over to You. Once you have signed in you'll see your e-mail address in the top right hand corner. Click on the drop down arrow, then click ‘Profile’ to update.