Notice of approval of “Part 16 – Macarthur Gardens North” - Amendment to Volume 2 of the Campbelltown (Sustainable City) Development Control Plan 2015 (CSCDCP 2015)
At its meeting on 9 May 2023, Council resolved to exhibit an amendment to the Campbelltown (Sustainable City) Development Control Plan 2015 (CSCDCP), involving the addition of Part 16 to Volume 2 of the CSCDCP. This new Part of the CSCDCP relates to the Macarthur Gardens North precinct, which is located on the northern side of Macarthur train station.
The draft amendment was placed on public exhibition from Thursday 8 June 2023 until Thursday 6 July 2023 on Council’s website and at the Civic Centre, and no submissions were received by Council.
Part 16 (Macarthur Gardens North) of the CSCDCP 2015 will commence on Monday, 10 July 2023 and can now be viewed on Council’s website.
Consultation has concluded