Public Exhibition of the Planning Proposal and a site-specific Development Control Plan at 2A-14 Hollylea Road and 5-7 Plough Inn Road, Leumeah, NSW 2560 (545/2019/E-PP)

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Council is seeking public comments on the Planning Proposal, the draft site specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and associated documents for a rezoning located at 2A-14 Hollylea Road and 5-7 Plough Inn Road, Leumeah, NSW 2560 (Lots 3 and 4 DP 258315, Lot 12 DP 845149, Lot 16 DP 623923, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 SP 70043, Lot 27 DP 611186, Lot 127 DP 575482, Lot 125 DP 575481, Lot 301 DP 621274, Lot 9 DP 234601, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 SP 52179, Lot 1 DP 565611)

The primary objective of the Planning Proposal is to amend the Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (CLEP 2015) by:

  1. Rezoning the site from E3 Productivity Support to part MU1 Mixed Use, part RE1 Public Recreation and part RE2 Private Recreation.
  2. Amending the maximum permissible Height of Building Map from 15m to part 5m, part 22m, part 38.5m and part 43.0m, and
  3. Introducing a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 3.1:1.

The intended outcome of the Planning Proposal is to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a mixed-use development with appropriate dwelling and population densities within a walking distance from the Leumeah Railway Station and provide variety of housing choices whilst maintaining the amount of employment land in the area. The proposed rezoning will potentially facilitate the redevelopment of the site for 100,816 sqm of residential floor space, 21,240 sqm of retail and commercial floor space, and 12,590 sqm of public open space. It intends to provide 731 residential units and 36,326 sqm of senior living with associated services.

In relation to this planning proposal, Council has been authorised to act as the local plan-making authority.

The Planning Proposal, draft site specific DCP and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition and available to view from Monday 13 January to Thursday 27 February 2025 at the following locations:

Council is seeking public comments on the Planning Proposal, the draft site specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and associated documents for a rezoning located at 2A-14 Hollylea Road and 5-7 Plough Inn Road, Leumeah, NSW 2560 (Lots 3 and 4 DP 258315, Lot 12 DP 845149, Lot 16 DP 623923, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 SP 70043, Lot 27 DP 611186, Lot 127 DP 575482, Lot 125 DP 575481, Lot 301 DP 621274, Lot 9 DP 234601, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 SP 52179, Lot 1 DP 565611)

The primary objective of the Planning Proposal is to amend the Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (CLEP 2015) by:

  1. Rezoning the site from E3 Productivity Support to part MU1 Mixed Use, part RE1 Public Recreation and part RE2 Private Recreation.
  2. Amending the maximum permissible Height of Building Map from 15m to part 5m, part 22m, part 38.5m and part 43.0m, and
  3. Introducing a maximum Floor Space Ratio of 3.1:1.

The intended outcome of the Planning Proposal is to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a mixed-use development with appropriate dwelling and population densities within a walking distance from the Leumeah Railway Station and provide variety of housing choices whilst maintaining the amount of employment land in the area. The proposed rezoning will potentially facilitate the redevelopment of the site for 100,816 sqm of residential floor space, 21,240 sqm of retail and commercial floor space, and 12,590 sqm of public open space. It intends to provide 731 residential units and 36,326 sqm of senior living with associated services.

In relation to this planning proposal, Council has been authorised to act as the local plan-making authority.

The Planning Proposal, draft site specific DCP and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition and available to view from Monday 13 January to Thursday 27 February 2025 at the following locations:

Page last updated: 14 Mar 2025, 10:14 AM