Public Exhibition of Planning Proposal PP-2020-3108
Consultation has concluded
Amendment of Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (CLEP 2015). Corner Appin Road and Kellerman Drive, St Helens Park
Rezoning of Subject Land to B1 Neighbourhood Centre Zone, and Associated Amendments.
The above mentioned Planning Proposal is on public exhibition from Monday 10 May 2021 until Monday 7 June 2021.
The intended outcome of the planning proposal is to permit the future development of a local neighbourhood centre on the subject corner lot that integrates with the existing service station development on the land. To achieve this development outcome, the planning proposal seeks the amendment of CLEP 2015 as follows:
- rezoning the existing corner lot (Lot 6202 DP 1203930) from R2 Low Density Residential zone to B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone;
- amendment of the associated development standards under CLEP 2015 for Lot 6202 DP 1203930 to be consistent with the proposed B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone, including amendment of the height of buildings map to increase maximum permissible building height from 8.5 metres to 9.0 metres;
- deletion of the Schedule 1 ‘Additional Permitted Uses provisions of CLEP 2015 that permits a ‘service station’ and ‘neighbourhood shop’ on the historic lot encompassing the corner site.
The proposal and supporting documentation is available to view from at the following locations:
- Under the documents section on this page
- NSW Planning Portal ‘Under Exhibition’ section:
Make a submission
Submissions are to made in the following manner by 7 June 2021 and shall include the reference - PLANNING PROPOSAL - PP 2020-3108 – Appin Road St Helens Park:
- Make your submission using the form below
- NSW Planning Portal website -
- Postal submissions addressed to the General Manager, Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 57, Campbelltown NSW 2560
Conditional delegation for making the proposed CLEP 2015 amendment has been issued to Council as the planning proposal authority in this instance.
Should you require any further information regarding the Planning Proposal, please contact Jeff Burton, Senior Strategic Planner of Council’s City Development Division on (02) 4645 4608.