Have your say on Marsden Park playspace upgrade
Media release - 12 January 2023
Campbelltown residents can now have their say on a draft concept plan to revamp the Marsden Park playspace in Park Central, Campbelltown.
The draft concept plan was developed following initial feedback from park users last year and includes a number of significant upgrades and improvements to the current play equipment and amenities.
“Marsden Park is among Campbelltown’s most popular playgrounds and sits in the heart of a busy residential, commercial and health precinct,” Mayor George Greiss said.
“The concept plan outlines a vision for the site which will make it more accessible and provide modern play equipment that meets the needs of a growing area,” Cr Greiss said.
Proposed upgrades include:
- Improved play equipment including climbing ropes, a large basket swing, flying fox, trampolines, toddlers swing set, see saw and slide.
- Shade tree plantings.
- Shade sails and seating areas.
- New picnic shelters, seating and BBQ areas.
- Water play area.
- Nature play area with balance beams and steppers.
- Safety fencing and pedestrian entry points.
- New accessible entry pathways.
Residents can leave their feedback at overtoyou.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au until Tuesday, 31 January.
Phase 2 consultation has concluded