Planning Proposal - Mount Carmel Precinct minimum lot size

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Consultation has concluded


Public Exhibition of a Planning Proposal to amend the minimum lot size mapping in the Mount Carmel Precinct at 210 Spitfire Drive, 193, 247 and 345 St Andrews Road, Varroville (2305_2022_E_PP)

Council is seeking public comment on a Planning Proposal that Council supported for the Mount Carmel Precinct at 210 Spitfire Drive, 193, 247 and 345 St Andrews Road, Varroville on 9 May 2023. A positive Gateway Determination was received on 21 June, 2023 and it is now intended to place the proposal on public exhibition.

The Planning proposal intends to amend the minimum lot size map in Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 to facilitate the future creation of 4 lots ranging in size from 3.626 ha to 124.061 ha. This will allow for the creation of individual lots from the existing Mount Carmel Catholic College, Church and Kindergarten, together with the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre and Priory and the Carmel House Monastery.

The proposed amendment to Campbelltown Local environmental Plan 2015 (LEP 2015) is to be finalised on or before 21 February 2024.

Council staff will review any submissions received and prepare a report back to Council if required. If no submissions are received, the Planning Proposal will proceed to finalisation.

Council is the designated Local Plan Making Authority for this Planning Proposal.

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition and available to view from Wednesday, 16 August 2023 until Wednesday, 27 September 2023 at the following locations:



Public Exhibition of a Planning Proposal to amend the minimum lot size mapping in the Mount Carmel Precinct at 210 Spitfire Drive, 193, 247 and 345 St Andrews Road, Varroville (2305_2022_E_PP)

Council is seeking public comment on a Planning Proposal that Council supported for the Mount Carmel Precinct at 210 Spitfire Drive, 193, 247 and 345 St Andrews Road, Varroville on 9 May 2023. A positive Gateway Determination was received on 21 June, 2023 and it is now intended to place the proposal on public exhibition.

The Planning proposal intends to amend the minimum lot size map in Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 to facilitate the future creation of 4 lots ranging in size from 3.626 ha to 124.061 ha. This will allow for the creation of individual lots from the existing Mount Carmel Catholic College, Church and Kindergarten, together with the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre and Priory and the Carmel House Monastery.

The proposed amendment to Campbelltown Local environmental Plan 2015 (LEP 2015) is to be finalised on or before 21 February 2024.

Council staff will review any submissions received and prepare a report back to Council if required. If no submissions are received, the Planning Proposal will proceed to finalisation.

Council is the designated Local Plan Making Authority for this Planning Proposal.

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation will be on public exhibition and available to view from Wednesday, 16 August 2023 until Wednesday, 27 September 2023 at the following locations: