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Council has received an owner-initiated Planning Proposal Request (PPR) seeking an amendment to Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (CLEP 2015) for 80 O’Sullivan Road, Leumeah (also known as 543 Pembroke Road / Lot 201 DP 1052199) to amend the maximum height of building map to provide a height limit of 33m to part of the site and a height limit of 38.5 m to the rest of the site and to also amend the floor space ratio map to indicate a maximum floor space ratio of 2:1 for the site.
The subject land is an irregular lot that has a site area of 8117 m² and is located on the southern side of Leumeah Railway Station. The property is zoned MU1 Mixed use. The site is currently occupied by 2 commercial uses being the Club Hotel and Liquor Stax.
The PPR is accompanied by an urban design report providing a conceptual site layout and a building design for the site. The report also includes a concept masterplan for the wider area which shows building envelopes and pedestrian linkages through the site.
To increase dwelling and population densities within a walking distance from the Leumeah railway station and provide for a housing choice in Leumeah. The proposal will also facilitate additional retail space within the centre.
Council has received an owner-initiated Planning Proposal Request (PPR) seeking an amendment to Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (CLEP 2015) for 80 O’Sullivan Road, Leumeah (also known as 543 Pembroke Road / Lot 201 DP 1052199) to amend the maximum height of building map to provide a height limit of 33m to part of the site and a height limit of 38.5 m to the rest of the site and to also amend the floor space ratio map to indicate a maximum floor space ratio of 2:1 for the site.
The subject land is an irregular lot that has a site area of 8117 m² and is located on the southern side of Leumeah Railway Station. The property is zoned MU1 Mixed use. The site is currently occupied by 2 commercial uses being the Club Hotel and Liquor Stax.
The PPR is accompanied by an urban design report providing a conceptual site layout and a building design for the site. The report also includes a concept masterplan for the wider area which shows building envelopes and pedestrian linkages through the site.
To increase dwelling and population densities within a walking distance from the Leumeah railway station and provide for a housing choice in Leumeah. The proposal will also facilitate additional retail space within the centre.