Development Contributions to be provided by Dahua under the Draft Planning Agreement
Development Contributions to be provided by Dahua under the Draft Planning Agreement generally comprise the following:
- Dedication of approximately 2,500 square metres of land at Menangle Park South for a future community centre facility.
- Dedication of land and works at Glenlee, Ridgeline and Menangle Park South for open space and recreation.
- Dedication of land and works at Ridgeline for two (2) additional playing fields.
- Dedication of land for riparian corridors at Ridgeline, Glenlee and Menangle Park South.
- Dedication of land and works at Cummins Road, Ridgeline for road widening.
- Dedication of land and works at Glenlee, Ridgeline and Menangle Park South to construct various collector roads.
- Construction of roundabouts at the intersection of Menangle Road and Cummins Road, and on various collector roads at Ridgeline and Menangle Park South.
- Dedication of land and works at Menangle Park South for cycleways.
- Construction of Menangle Road and Spine Road signalised intersection, with allowance for two (2) signalised intersections on Spine Road.
- Construction of a bridge over Howes Creek at Ridgeline, and another bridge at Menangle Park South.
- Construction of bus stops and bus stops shelter at Glenlee, Ridgeline and Menangle Park South.
- Construction of half road in front of Basin 11 at Menangle Park South.
- Dedication of land and works for wetland, drainage and bio-retention facilities at Ridgeline, Glenlee and Menangle Park South.
- The Planning Agreement will also record the payment of monetary contributions, as reflected in the table below, for public amenities and public services listed in the Menangle Park Contributions Plan 2020 (Contributions Plan) and already provided to Council in respect of Stages 1 and 2A of the Development:
Stage |
Public Purpose under Contribution Plan |
Monetary Contribution |
Stage 1 – Monetary Contribution |
Administration/Plan Preparation |
$55,494.15 |
Community Land |
$11,982.38 |
Open Space & Recreation – Land |
$916,646.54 |
Open Space & Recreation – Works |
$479,948.90 |
Trunk Drainage/Water Quality – Land |
$431,988.40 |
Traffic and Transport – Works |
$1,189,072.62 |
Trunk Drainage/Water Quality – Works |
$1,742,951.62 |
Traffic and Transport – Land |
$112,228.28 |
$4,940,312.89 |
Stage 2A – Monetary Contribution |
Administration/Plan Preparation |
$24,492.19 |
Community –Land |
$5,361.99 |
Open Space and Recreation – Land |
$405,099.71 |
Open Space and Recreation – Works |
$212,036.10 |
Trunk Drainage/Water Quality – Land |
$190,850.43 |
Trunk Drainage/Water Quality – Works |
$770,176.97 |
Traffic and Transport – Land |
$49,666.57 |
Traffic and Transport – Works |
$525,350.57 |
$2,183,034.53 |
The total contribution value to be delivered, including land, is $201,753,200.55.
Consultation has concluded