Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - Menangle Park (Stages 1, 2A and 2B)
Consultation has concluded
Have your say on the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for Menangle Park (Stages 1, 2a and 2B).
Dahua Group Sydney Pty Ltd, as landowner, has made an offer under S7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act to enter into a VPA with Council. The objective of the Draft VPA is to provide development contributions towards local infrastructure required to facilitate the development of land within the Menangle Park Urban Release Area generally as contemplated by the Stage 1 (3885/2017/DA-SW), 2A (292/2018/DA-SW) & 2B (681/2018/DA-SW) Development Applications submitted to Council.
Development Contributions to be provided by Dahua under the Planning Agreement comprise:
A. construction of a local park of approximately 5,000 square metres adjacent to the southern entry road;
B. dedication of the land comprising the local park referred to at A above;
C. construction of a local park of approximately 6,870 square metres adjacent to the southern entry road;
D. dedication of the land comprising the local park referred to at C above;
E.construction of a linear park of approximately 3,834 square metres and shared cycle and pathway adjacent to Menangle Road and the Hume Motorway
F. dedication of the land comprising the linear park and shared cycleway and pathway referred to at E above;
G. construction of bioretention facilities on approximately 3,956 square metres of land;
H. dedication of the land referred to at G above;
I. dedication of approximately 4,900 square metres of land in the vicinity of the land referred to at G above;
J. dedication of approximately 4,829 square metres of land in the vicinity of the land referred to at F above;
K. construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Menangle and Cummins Road; and
L. payment of a monetary contribution of $18,851.21 per Final Lot up to a maximum of $7,710,145 for 409 Final Lots.
The total contribution value to be delivered, including land, is $17,427,254.
We want to hear from you
Download the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note which are on public exhibition until Friday 20 November 2020.
Have your say below.
What's next?
Following completion of the exhibition period, the Draft VPA and all feedback received will then then be reported to Council for consideration and endorsement.