Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement – Macarthur Gardens North

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say on the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for Macarthur Gardens North development (Concept development consent in connection with DA 3944/2021/DA-SW (Development)).

On 14 December 2022, Approval was issued by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel under Section 4.16(1)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for Development Application No.: 3944/2021/DA-SW, being:

  • Concept master plan for a high density residential and mixed use development (to be known as Macarthur Gardens North), and construction of stage 1 of the master plan, encompassing roads, parks, civil works, landscaping and subdivision of the site into superlots, with concept approval for six building envelopes of varying heights, maximum gross floor area, residential development of approximately 1,250 dwellings, ground floor commercial uses, parking spaces, active open space, public domain landscaping, a pedestrian and cycle network

Landcom, as landowner, have made an offer under S7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act to enter into a VPA with Council. The objective of the Draft VPA is to provide development contributions towards local infrastructure required in order to facilitate the Development of the Land as shown in Schedule 1 - Land in the Draft VPA. Subdivision of the Land to create superlots and a residue lot is shown in Schedule 3 – Superlot Subdivision Plan.

Development Contributions to be provided by Landcom under the Draft Planning Agreement generally comprise the following:

  1. Dedication of land (approx. 6,043m2) and works for a Central Park (main).
  2. Dedication of land (approx. 2,835m2) and works for a Fitness Park.
  3. Dedication of land and works for Central Park (south).
  4. Dedication of land and works to create a Station Arrival Plaza.
  5. Dedication of land (approx. 12.43 ha – includes Central Park South and Station Arrival Plaza) and works within Bow Bowing Creek Reserve.
  6. Construction of a new lead-in road to service Gilchrist Oval.
  7. Vegetation Management in Bow Bowing Creek reserve, in accordance with the VMP approved by the Concept Consent.

The total contribution value to be delivered, including land, is $27,620,650.

An extract of the Macarthur Gardens North – Urban Design and Landscape Report is attached. The extract provide graphical details of the proposed embellishment works listed it Items 1-5 above.

We want to hear from you.

Download the Draft VPA and Explanatory Note which are on public exhibition from Friday 19 April 2024 to Monday 20 May 2024, 5pm.

Have your say using the submission form below OR

Forward your submission in writing addressed to the General Manager, Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 57, Campbelltown NSW 2560, quoting reference to the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - Macarthur Gardens North.

What's next?

Following completion of the exhibition period, the Draft VPA and all feedback received will then then be reported to Council for consideration and endorsement.

Have your say on the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for Macarthur Gardens North development (Concept development consent in connection with DA 3944/2021/DA-SW (Development)).

On 14 December 2022, Approval was issued by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel under Section 4.16(1)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for Development Application No.: 3944/2021/DA-SW, being:

  • Concept master plan for a high density residential and mixed use development (to be known as Macarthur Gardens North), and construction of stage 1 of the master plan, encompassing roads, parks, civil works, landscaping and subdivision of the site into superlots, with concept approval for six building envelopes of varying heights, maximum gross floor area, residential development of approximately 1,250 dwellings, ground floor commercial uses, parking spaces, active open space, public domain landscaping, a pedestrian and cycle network

Landcom, as landowner, have made an offer under S7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act to enter into a VPA with Council. The objective of the Draft VPA is to provide development contributions towards local infrastructure required in order to facilitate the Development of the Land as shown in Schedule 1 - Land in the Draft VPA. Subdivision of the Land to create superlots and a residue lot is shown in Schedule 3 – Superlot Subdivision Plan.

Development Contributions to be provided by Landcom under the Draft Planning Agreement generally comprise the following:

  1. Dedication of land (approx. 6,043m2) and works for a Central Park (main).
  2. Dedication of land (approx. 2,835m2) and works for a Fitness Park.
  3. Dedication of land and works for Central Park (south).
  4. Dedication of land and works to create a Station Arrival Plaza.
  5. Dedication of land (approx. 12.43 ha – includes Central Park South and Station Arrival Plaza) and works within Bow Bowing Creek Reserve.
  6. Construction of a new lead-in road to service Gilchrist Oval.
  7. Vegetation Management in Bow Bowing Creek reserve, in accordance with the VMP approved by the Concept Consent.

The total contribution value to be delivered, including land, is $27,620,650.

An extract of the Macarthur Gardens North – Urban Design and Landscape Report is attached. The extract provide graphical details of the proposed embellishment works listed it Items 1-5 above.

We want to hear from you.

Download the Draft VPA and Explanatory Note which are on public exhibition from Friday 19 April 2024 to Monday 20 May 2024, 5pm.

Have your say using the submission form below OR

Forward your submission in writing addressed to the General Manager, Campbelltown City Council, PO Box 57, Campbelltown NSW 2560, quoting reference to the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - Macarthur Gardens North.

What's next?

Following completion of the exhibition period, the Draft VPA and all feedback received will then then be reported to Council for consideration and endorsement.