Campbelltown Collaboration Area - measuring outcomes

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Consultation has concluded

At our February meeting, the Campbelltown Collaboration Area Steering Group agreed to explore whether to adopt measures of success for the group. This survey seeks to gather feedback about preferred approaches and focus areas for group measures of success.

Survey results will be analysed by Jessica Noyes from Campbelltown City Council and work-shopped at our next Steering Group meeting on 26 May. Raw data from the survey may be shared at the request and with the permission of respondents.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Noyes, Reimagining Campbelltown Lead, or 0418 943 918.

At our February meeting, the Campbelltown Collaboration Area Steering Group agreed to explore whether to adopt measures of success for the group. This survey seeks to gather feedback about preferred approaches and focus areas for group measures of success.

Survey results will be analysed by Jessica Noyes from Campbelltown City Council and work-shopped at our next Steering Group meeting on 26 May. Raw data from the survey may be shared at the request and with the permission of respondents.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Noyes, Reimagining Campbelltown Lead, or 0418 943 918.